City of Baltimore Montebello Filtration Plant Improvements
The Montebello Water Filtration Plant improvements include major infrastructure upgrades to the facility in Baltimore, Maryland, which was originally built in the early 1900s. Various process upgrades include the restoration of concrete to sedimentation basins, filtration cells and wash water tanks. Major process equipment and piping was demolished, removed and replaced for the filtration and clarification upgrades. Specifically, the equipment consists of filter sweeps, media replacement, flocculation drives and paddles, chemical feed and clarifier drives. In addition, the project includes:
- Construction of a 10,000 SF chemical building for the coagulant process
- Installation of new lime silo and lime distribution systems
- Replacement of the 108-inch RCCP and installation of new flow meter vault
- Access upgrades, such as gate entrance, guard house and ornamental fencing
- Extensive underground utility upgrades
Baltimore, Maryland
City of Baltimore
Water Resources
LF of duct bank for primary and secondary feeders
SF chemical building for the coagulant process
KVA primary switchgear package
The scope also includes upgrades to the water filtration plant’s primary electrical distribution circuit and new infrastructure, filtration and operation facilities. The electrical distribution upgrade involved:
- 4,000 linear feet of duct bank for primary and secondary feeders
- 13.2 KVA primary switchgear package
- 2.5 KW emergency generator and switchgear
- Motor control center
- Two new unit substations
Miscellaneous improvements to the electrical equipment and wash water buildings, as well as site, paving and parking additions were also included in the scope of the project.